Final Fortunes


Your Support Is Vital & Help Us To Share the Collection to the World

Dear Collectors and Patrons,

A really big part of what we do here at Final Fortunes is give back to the community who created the incredible treasures and series we appreciate. So that means us making a conscious effort to give back to Japan in ways that we can, when we can, as much as we can.

As I’m sure many of you know, and some do not but Japan suffers from a lot of natural disasters. As such, they constantly are ravaged with earthquakes as well as landslides caused by heavy rain/typhoons. While they do have incredible systems put into place to fix these situations, it doesn’t not stop them from occurring and costs a tremendous amount. It then also leaves many people, children in particular, who are more vulnerable when say there’s no home to come back to, or they are disabled and require assistance.

With us at Final Fortunes, we wanted to find a charity that we would really trust and give back to Japan. One with not only a lot of transparency, but recognized for delivering a high level of excellence and really targets the areas that we want to support.

After speaking with many individuals from Japan. The Nippon Foundation, established in 1962, was a charity that was continuously brought up to us as a pillar of support. That being said we’ve now decided to make an effort to donate to them specifically as they constantly provide aid in key areas such as disaster relief, support for children with various difficulties in life including those with serious illnesses, the scholarships for young people who have lived in social care, or protecting the ocean environment. Those are key areas we care greatly about.

What we have done here is actually link up The Nippon Foundation charity page directly to our website below (with their permission of course!). So this way not only do we donate a portion of proceeds to charity, but say if you want to just know more about The Nippon Foundation or donate to them directly you may. We are all about giving back so we wanted to make a page specifically for charity and news for our patrons moving forward. We will be updating this page periodically as we grow.

Thank you everyone for your continued support. We truly appreciate everyone effort as we continue to grow and give back in as many ways as we can. This is only just the beginning.

 Warmest Regards,

                  Final Fortunes


If you would like to know more about The Nippon Foundation, please feel free to click here to be redirected to their home page. Thank you.

This is a great question. They have so many wonderful projects such as supporting children who are seriously ill, helping young adults who are raised in foster care, as well as working to prevent children growing up in poverty. We’ve included an external link here to The Nippon Foundations website that directs you specifically to their project page so you may see what they are working on. Thank you.

Yes, currently we are sending support to The Nippon Foundation using this link that provides you to their website.  This allows you to see directly the page that has their Special Funds for Disaster Preparedness. This in an ongoing cause to prepare for any type of natural disaster. If you would like to know more specifically about how to donate to the campaign please click this link here to view it on their website. Thank you.

As mentioned, they really target many key areas that we feel truly support individuals in Japan such as disaster relief and assisting individuals who are disabled. They also have commenced a program to help clean the ocean and also assisted Ukrainians evacuees in Japan during their challenging time. We really feel that The Nippon Foundation stands out as the best Charity in Japan to help in multiple key areas. This is why we are working hard to create some awareness here in North America as well financial support. Thank you

While currently they are not tax deductible, we are actually in the works of getting a sub charity that collaborates with The Nippon Foundation for cross border deductions so that it will be available in the near future for North America and Europe soon. Thank you for your continued support. 


Art Collection


Special Fund for Disaster Preparedness

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